Sunday, November 8, 2015

Tips On How To Make The Perfect Cup Of Coffee

The first thing in the morning before checking my email is to make  myself a cup of coffee. I absolutely love drinking coffee in the morning and you do not have to spend a lot of money to get great tasting coffee.

Here are a few tips that can help you make that perfect cup of coffee in the morning.

Tip # 1 : Buy Fresh Coffee Beans

If you want to experience the best tasting coffee, I have always found that using fresh coffee beans the best. You can buy them at your local supermarket but make sure the bag is vacuum sealed for better quality taste.

Tip # 2 : Grind Your Beans Just Before You Drink

You can get really affordable coffee grinders online and to get the best tasting cup of coffee, grind your coffee beans just before you make your coffee.

Tip # 3: Use Filtered Water For Your Coffee

At home, I have a good quality jug with a filter, and this can really help improve the taste of your coffee. Normal water from your tap can change the taste and also contain chemicals.